Tuition Payment
It is highly recommended but not required for those in the Chamber Music program to participate in Allegro Ensemble as well, during the winter and spring sessions.
For the summer session, all students participate in Allegro Ensemble and Chamber Music.
Semester Fees
Allegro Ensemble
Chamber Music
Both Allegro Ensemble and Chamber Music
2+ family members in any group(s)
$50 discount for each
Summer Camp Fees (per week)
Please specify which week you would like to attend:
Week 1; M-F Ju
Week 2: M-F Ju
Week 3: M-F Ju
Main Session
Extra Afternoon Session
All Day
How to Pay
Search on PayPal
Please pay to a friend
by check: payable to Virginia Smedberg, mailed to her at
441 Washington Ave, Palo Alto CA 94301
In the memo, format your description:
Student Last Name, Student First Name - Program/Semester, Year